Sunday, September 11, 2016

Production Check #1

The concept that I would like to explore for my film is concept of beauty. In a society in which one's differences (both good and bad and everything in between) are easily identifiable, I think it is important to tackle the subject of how beauty is perceived and what perpetuates these ideals. This a concept I believe most can identify with. Whether it is portrayed by someone of their own race, gender, etc., each can find the most minuscule similarities in what they feel with what is upon the screen.

For my role, I would like to focus largely on sound. I would like to incorporate the use of the various types of microphones & voice overs. Music will likely also be an important element. The overall plot idea that I have is as follows: the journey of how an individual with darker skin comes to accept that it is okay to love themselves within a society that favors lighter skin. It is something that I as the creator can relate to and hopefully those in similar situations can, as well. I imagine this film will be slightly more avant garde simply because I wish to showcase friends of mine of all different races with varying features that the main character will find strength in. Whether their companions have light skin or dark skin, the film will focus on how having all of these people surrounding her that vary in appearance shows her that admiring others' beauty that are unlike her does not detract from her own, but enhances it.

Last year regarding sound, I felt that I had been rather strong with the use of sound. Whether it was a voice over or simply mixing songs, each added a nice element to my productions. Even so, while writing is not what I wish to be primarily focused on, I will be utilizing scripts. I am a bit weakr in this area due to not having done so for a little while. I think this will make conveying my ideas on paper a bit harder, although the challenge will prove to be beneficial.

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