Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Subverting of Genre film

In our Road Film genre subversion, Small Indifferent Neena, the role I was assigned was sound designer. In this project, rather than focusing largely on sound effects, I wanted to play around with vocal audio. We utilized three different types of recording methods: voice over, lavalier mics, and a shotgun mic. Each had different pros & cons that I will be able to keep in mind for our next project. For example, some of the scenes with the shotgun mic still had ample amount of background noise despite the use of the foam over it. This teaches me that, for next time, I will have to pay more attention to this when playing back clips so as to either figure out a different method of recording or adjust the shotgun. In regards to the voice over, I love the clarity and quality of the audio. 
While editor was not my official job, this was my first time using color grading. I found it to be interesting and an effective way to convey a certain feeling within the film. There were some scenes in which the lighting was purposely edited to be a bit darker than in other portions. Those with more prominent lighting began when the main character began to become inspired by the other characters within specific scenes (i.e. the boys talking about sports). This, along with the music I chose, greatly shifted the meaning or vibe that I wanted viewers to pick up. As sound designer, I liked having this other element to play around with to get across a certain message or theme. Working with someone who has already chosen a color scheme for our next project will be exciting because we can work together to come up with a desired mood. 
There are many things I learned that I believe will allow me to improve future films. I intend to continue to use voice overs (they have definitely been my favorite thus far). Next time, I will pay more attention to filtering out excess or extremely prominent background noise that takes away from the quality of the sound. While I don't feel that the entire thing has been tainted (otherwise we would have re-done it), I do feel that there are specific scenes in which the sound quality is much better than others. I think this film served as a perfect practice for future projects because it emphasized issues regarding sound I had not previously taken into account.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Production Check #6

For our film, the next location we intend to shoot is the bowling alley. We have retrieved a release for ABC Lanes. I am excited to not only begin shooting here, but to begin collecting sound as well. I have many things planned - most of which will be in need of the use of a boom mic. The sounds I am most excited to record are bowling pins, the dropping off a bowling ball, and feet on the polished bowling alley floors (just before the lanes). Other interesting sounds could be the swivel of chairs (at the food bar where we may have our actors sit). I think these effects will add a layer of depth to the film. I intend to record lots of different sounds so as to allow each of us to have a variety to choose from when in the editing process. I do not know if music will be playing in the back of the alley, but so as to make sure we have clear sound when our actors deliver their lines, I will be using the lavalier mics. Hopefully things will go as planned, because I truly believe the sound effects within the bowling alley are bound to be the best within the film.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Production Check #5

In just our first day of filming, we were able to get through an entire page and a half of script. I  must admit that I was rather proud of us. Furthermore, the quality of our actors performances were phenomenal! I was able to capture their sound and the intonation of their voices when delivering lines smoothly in the second scene we recorded. This was the first time I had utilized the boom mic for a project rather than test. Unfortunately, I was not able to use it for sound effects of the car as desired (due to the battery being dead), but I was able to use it in our second scene. I can only imagine how difficult it would be to hold for longer scenes. However, due to the quality of sound that comes out of doing so, I can say I think it would be worth the shaky and tired arms.

This first round of filming had me thinking even more in depth about which mics would be best for certain scenes. I would love to be able to use the lavalier mics in the first scene (in which Jonah and June discuss school). Of course, if it does not turn out as expected the boom mic proves to be quite promising. 

For the particular scene pictured above, music will be playing in the background. Atop that, voice overs of other characters will be laced within. I am beyond excited to begin choosing a track (by an artist that creates his own music) that best fits the mood of the film. The last and final thing I look forward to is being able to collect ample sound affects. The noise of hands sliding across the steering wheel, doors shutting, wheels along pavement. Not only am I certain of the sounds I want for this scene, but also ones we have not yet recorded: the click of swift fingers upon keyboards, lockers closing, the knocking down of bowling pins. I aim to have impeccable sound within this film in order to enhance the mood & story line we wish to convey. Aside from all that I have listed I anticipate, I am proud of what we have accomplished thus far!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Production Check #4

After weeks of pre-production, our group is now ready to begin filming! Solid dates are a bit up in the air at the moment, but we have at least mapped out a general idea according to what our actors have stated would be best for them. We had a minor setback with our lead actress for June, but ended up finding a new one within the span of 30 minutes! Ariel Brown will now be our new June, which is exciting considering she enjoys acting and is eager to play this part. Anyhow, the tentative schedule is that we completed the car scene and the house scene on November 12 and the school scene on one of the days the following week (16th or perhaps the 18th). The other location, the bowling alley,is under the works but will likely be on a weekend as well.

One of the other POSSIBLE locations for Jonah's home (if needbe) is my home. Potential scenes in this location would be a brief scene in which he examines himself in the bathroom mirror. He would be concerned about the quality of his appearance and then leave through the front door, heading out to  the bowling alley.

Lastly, my vision for sound has only changed in the slightest. I have decided I would like to use a few original songs by Alex Finn, who will soon be signing a talent release for us. His music is mellow and relaxing, with occasional speed up in tempo. Faster songs can be utilized during the argument scene, while everything else can be used elsewhere. In terms of sound effects, I cannot wait to record & include the sound effects of the car and bowling alley. Without those elements, I think the film would be void of a critical aspect.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Production Check #3

 Rest of script (continuation from previous script post):

As sound designer, when putting my input in the script, I tried to think of locations of actions that would allow for various sounds. I believe that background audio can add (or detract!) from tension within scenes. One of the most tense moments within this film is when June is speaking to her mother about her goals in life. By having it be oppressively silent immediately after the talk, believe that emphasizes how trapped the character feels. To then include the portion with the clinking plates, I think this parallels the distress June then feels once she registers her mother's words. I could analyze the various other places in which I have incorporated sound, but the overall sense I was going for is music or sound effects that parallel the mood. I am excited to begin collecting these sounds so I can get an idea of how they mesh with the film when edited. Hearing Ali and Pranava's ideas thus far for the areas they are specializing in has given me a bigger and better image of how to make the sound utilized stand out and be memorable in our film.

In terms of which microphones I will use, I will likely be using the shotgun mic. In terms of the background sounds (those that will be heard, but the source will not be directly on the screen) I will probably use a standard microphone to collect the sound for that.We may end up needing to use lavalier microphones for parts in which characters are a bit more soft spoken, but that will have to be in shots that they can be hidden. For some sounds (i.e. footsteps) it may be easier to use my portable phone mic. It may be easier for me to collect necessary sounds after each scene is filmed just so I know what will sound most realistic with the footage provided. If an actor is walking slowly, I would not want to have loud & obnoxious footstep audio to go over top.

For music, I am going to have a release signed by Alex Finn who creates his own original music. Other songs may come from mashups from Garage Band or perhaps Incompetech. If that is the case, the portions when those last two sources are utilized will be minimal. In this film, music seems to be needed less than sound effects. Of course, this is only pre-production so come editing time my vision may change. Most music though will be slow & calming, for this is not a film that requires lots of face paced music simply due to the content of the story.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Genre Selection

     In class, various interesting genres were presented that I had only (previously) had minimal information about. The three that I found most intriguing were mafia films, road films, and science fiction films (specifically those about alien invasions).


  •  Within this genre, there are prominent elements of camaraderie amongst characters. This, of course, leads to loyalty due to family oriented dynamics. Unfortunately,  due to corruption within law enforcement some characters may betray others in order to help another character get the revenge they desire.
  • In regards to location, these films generally take place in gritty or urban areas. 
  • By the end of the film, the overarching message generally seems to be that "crime pays".
  • Notable examples of these types of films are Goodfellas (1990), Scarface (1983), and The Godfather (1972).  
  •  Generally, supernatural comedies are centered around unrealistic situations (hence the classification of supernatural). In some films, there is one antagonist, whereas in others there many various obstacles -- the more prominent example would be zombies. Many storylines utilize folklore or perhaps even religious traditions with supernatural elements to explain the film's happenings.
  • Many of the conventions within this genre are also of the horror genre. There are isolated areas in which scenes occur and also shadowy lighting. Exaggerated digetic sound can be used to build suspense of emphasize comedic points within the film.
  •  Two of the most notable films within this genre are Shaun of the Dead (2004) and Evil Dead (1981).
  •   This genre focuses on heists, just as the title suggests. There always seems to be a stereotypical squad that the movie centers on - each with their own specialty. Plots generally take place in three acts. In terms of themes, the idea of "honor among thieves" tends to lead to important bonds and friendships throughout the duration of these types of films.
  • Heist films have similar conventions to action: amplified sound, life-threatening situations, and fighting and/or chase scenes.
  •  Notable films of this genre are Oceans Eleven (2001), Reservoir Dogs (1992), and The Usual Suspects (1995).

    The genre that most interests me is heist films. While I find that many of these films tend to go down in the same manner, I think twists could be put on the regular "formula" to make them more intriguing. I love that this genre intertwines friendship with both crime and potential violence. Two contrasting themes come together to make films rid with tension but also underlying messages about friendship and loyalty. These types of movies keep me personally on the edge of my seat, so I would love to be able to emulate a director like Steven Soderbergh who worked on Ocean's Eleven. Filming a short on this would be so much fun, especially when casting characters in "stereotypical" roles.

    Friday, October 14, 2016

    Inglourious Basterds Review

               By definition, a Spaghetti Western, is a movie about the American Old West made cheaply in Europe, typically by an Italian producer and director. The conventions of this genre are black humor along with melodrama. There are generally elements of economic issues present, which is largely due to the heavy influence of civil war within films of this genre. That aspect alone makes it quite clear as to why Tarantino would deem this genre fitting for a World War II movie, considering this film category is inspired by a war that was a precursor. Spaghetti Westerns fits with war due to the raw nature of the scenes and character types. Violence is generally present, something that can easily be seen in ample amounts within the film Inglourious Basterds. 

               One of the three ways in which Tarantino subverts the expectations of the genre are introducing characters that seem important, but are killed off shortly after. For example, Michael Fassbender's character is given a role within the film that presents itself as significant but is killed off a scene or two later. Furthermore, the manipulation of history allows Tarantino to surprise audiences with events that have not truly happened. Most can figure out how events will occur given true historical events to compare it to, but the writer completely shifts them in order to suit the film. Lastly, the third way in which expectations are subverted is the use of words to create tension more so than weapons. Within various scenes in the film, an exchange of dialogue between to characters causes much more anxiety than the fight scenes themselves. It is as if words are equated to bullets or knives, causing conflict and potentially leading to violence just as a physical attack would.

    Sunday, September 25, 2016

    Production Check #2

    Pitch and Approval: While I had previously planned upon working alone, this is no longer this case. For the production of this film,  I will be working with both Ali Banach and Pranava Mallu. Instead of working on a sole idea presented by my group mates, we have decided to combine our original three ideas into one. Our overall concept is the human experiences (more specifically, coming of age), but the concept of beauty will be incorporated. The latter of the two ideas mentioned was my original concept I was going to represent within my film. We decided to combine ideas & not simply stick to one because we deemed one's understanding/perception of beauty to be a large portion of coming of age. A person learning & understanding to love their own beauty from the beauty of those around them is something to be learned when aging, but does not cease past teen years. Plot is fairly simply in that we decided upon two separate characters with lives that juxtapose one another.  By having such characters, this will allow for an analysis of the similar and different aspect each human experiences.  What wish to accomplish through this is the acknowledgement of common issues that most can identify with when regarding the human experience. This is why the idea of beauty and beauty standards fits in so well.

     Physical Production: For this task, roles will be rotated. However, those strongest in certain areas will be sure to take the lead here & there to make sure our final product is as desired. I decided upon the role of sound designer while both Pranava and Ali are interested in cinematographer. If possible, one of them may shift to director. Writing and editing will be done as a group so that all input regarding how the film should be display is taken into consideration. For the larger contrast we wish to portray in our audience, I think it would be extremely interesting to have two actors that appear completely different. This further drives home this idea of beauty. For example, one character could desire to look completely opposite & vice versa, showing that what these character do not find attractive about themselves may be enviable to other. I imagine my other group mates have ideals they wish to incorporate for cast, locations, etc. which will be worked out when creating our story board and script.

    Technical Planning:  The focus on coming of age is large enough to reach out to those who have already come of age. If not that alone, the integration of the human experience is something that most viewers should be able to identify with (unless, of course, they're aliens...). Seeing as coming of age is already a genre, we will follow the conventions of it to make sure it is a well fitting film that abides by the already laid-out themes. Despite attempting to focus largely on the differences, many similarities will be brought to light to convey that deep down many of us are similar. I believe sound can be effective in conveying this, for similar or even perhaps completely opposite sounds can be utilized when portraying the daily routines of our character's lives. Perhaps harsher sounds for one life, more pleasing sounds for another. Our schedule will follow the one we have been given in class.

    Reflection, Evaluation, & Integration of Choices: I think my decision of focusing upon sound design will add a unique element to my group's film. Sound (primarily music) can easily change the mood of the film, which will be especially relevant in the editing stage. My concentration is the use of color. In regards to a strength, my choice in sounds can make a scene all the more memorable. When it comes to weaknesses, I think having partners that are little less enthusiastic about sound can make it hard to get input on whether or not I have chosen the correct score or perhaps simple sound effects. However, I think this is only a minor weakness and can easily be overcome.