Sunday, November 20, 2016

Production Check #5

In just our first day of filming, we were able to get through an entire page and a half of script. I  must admit that I was rather proud of us. Furthermore, the quality of our actors performances were phenomenal! I was able to capture their sound and the intonation of their voices when delivering lines smoothly in the second scene we recorded. This was the first time I had utilized the boom mic for a project rather than test. Unfortunately, I was not able to use it for sound effects of the car as desired (due to the battery being dead), but I was able to use it in our second scene. I can only imagine how difficult it would be to hold for longer scenes. However, due to the quality of sound that comes out of doing so, I can say I think it would be worth the shaky and tired arms.

This first round of filming had me thinking even more in depth about which mics would be best for certain scenes. I would love to be able to use the lavalier mics in the first scene (in which Jonah and June discuss school). Of course, if it does not turn out as expected the boom mic proves to be quite promising. 

For the particular scene pictured above, music will be playing in the background. Atop that, voice overs of other characters will be laced within. I am beyond excited to begin choosing a track (by an artist that creates his own music) that best fits the mood of the film. The last and final thing I look forward to is being able to collect ample sound affects. The noise of hands sliding across the steering wheel, doors shutting, wheels along pavement. Not only am I certain of the sounds I want for this scene, but also ones we have not yet recorded: the click of swift fingers upon keyboards, lockers closing, the knocking down of bowling pins. I aim to have impeccable sound within this film in order to enhance the mood & story line we wish to convey. Aside from all that I have listed I anticipate, I am proud of what we have accomplished thus far!

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