Sunday, October 23, 2016

Production Check #3

 Rest of script (continuation from previous script post):

As sound designer, when putting my input in the script, I tried to think of locations of actions that would allow for various sounds. I believe that background audio can add (or detract!) from tension within scenes. One of the most tense moments within this film is when June is speaking to her mother about her goals in life. By having it be oppressively silent immediately after the talk, believe that emphasizes how trapped the character feels. To then include the portion with the clinking plates, I think this parallels the distress June then feels once she registers her mother's words. I could analyze the various other places in which I have incorporated sound, but the overall sense I was going for is music or sound effects that parallel the mood. I am excited to begin collecting these sounds so I can get an idea of how they mesh with the film when edited. Hearing Ali and Pranava's ideas thus far for the areas they are specializing in has given me a bigger and better image of how to make the sound utilized stand out and be memorable in our film.

In terms of which microphones I will use, I will likely be using the shotgun mic. In terms of the background sounds (those that will be heard, but the source will not be directly on the screen) I will probably use a standard microphone to collect the sound for that.We may end up needing to use lavalier microphones for parts in which characters are a bit more soft spoken, but that will have to be in shots that they can be hidden. For some sounds (i.e. footsteps) it may be easier to use my portable phone mic. It may be easier for me to collect necessary sounds after each scene is filmed just so I know what will sound most realistic with the footage provided. If an actor is walking slowly, I would not want to have loud & obnoxious footstep audio to go over top.

For music, I am going to have a release signed by Alex Finn who creates his own original music. Other songs may come from mashups from Garage Band or perhaps Incompetech. If that is the case, the portions when those last two sources are utilized will be minimal. In this film, music seems to be needed less than sound effects. Of course, this is only pre-production so come editing time my vision may change. Most music though will be slow & calming, for this is not a film that requires lots of face paced music simply due to the content of the story.

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