Thursday, April 7, 2016

Avant Garde Film

With this film, there were many things that went well. Firstly, while our outline got changed a few times here and there, each of the things we decided to tweak turned out better than our original ideas. As a result of this, this film's camera movements and style in general appears much smoother and even perhaps professional than previous films. Each of the assigned shot types were utilized and incorporated to the best of our abilities. In terms of acting, the different range of emotions the actors had to portray went over successfully and, at times (namely during the memories), appear genuine. Even so, there were a few things that could have been improved. To name one of a few: I think more than one bokeh shot could have been used, preferably in color. In terms of editing, some of the transitions could have been smoother and the scene in which Landon has an out of body experience could have had better layering. Along with this, aspect ratio ( the proportional relationship between its width and its height ) was used so as to make sure that the recording used fit properly upon the screen. Fortunately, I did not experience any issues with this throughout the filming or editing process.

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