Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Chase Scene

     1. How do filmmakers use Camera Angles to enhance their work?
    Film makers use these number of angles to enhance their work by making their project appear far more interesting. If they were to keep in the same frame the majority or all of the film it would be surely be dull. Camera angles allow filmmakers to mix it up so as to make for better visuals. Along with this, different angles allow for new perspectives and this tends to enhance the storyline.

    What is the effect camera movements have on the viewer?
    The camera movements effect the viewer in that it keeps them interested by keeping them involved in the action. This is especially helpful because it helps to avoid keeping the frame of a clip in one spot (or simply stationary in general) for the entirety of the project. It helps show the perspective of other characters present within the film (namely when using a point of view shot) & establish different locations.

Successes: Our successes would be continuing to work even when the majority of the cast was not present. This allowed us to think outside of the box in order to be able to continue to work. We got quite creative with our costumes as well, which made for a more interesting antagonist. I think our different settings were a success, because they allowed for the use of principles of design. The best use of camera movements was the tracking shot because it emphasized the urgency when the antagonist was moving to find his victims. Most of the movements help to convey a certain emotion & that makes the scenes all the more important. Lastly, the use of the group pop in and pop out scenes made the film a bit more interesting and entertaining. I personally believe those are our best shots.

Recommendations: Some recommendations for next time are being better with consistency. The staple pieces of the costumes were present each time, but changes in hair and pants might make it seem a little off. We could have done a bit better with our pop in and pop out shot because some of them were simply popping out & the popping in portion was not seen. The canting shot was also a bit shaky, but because it was supposed to be through the perspective of the mirror Daphne dropped, I think this may be forgivable. 

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