Thursday, October 22, 2015

Big Sad Kyle.

 Making this film was most certainly a learning experience. This is the second film I have made that incorporates everything learned within a film one class and is avant garde, so it was interesting to see how much I remembered. The film making process with this group went well because each of us contributed many ideas in regards to plot and the meaning behind the events that occur.
During the creative process of "Big Sad  Kyle," I most enjoyed the scripting portion. We each contributed ideas for our storyboard and plot, but when it came to scripting there was a lot of creative liberty.  This allowed me to develop the characters we created and get a better grasp of the story. In addition to this, the filming process was quite quick which allowed it to go smoothly. Even so, if I were to do this film again I would try to incorporate a few more principles of design.

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