Friday, September 26, 2014

Camera Angle Vocab & Video Examples.

This shot is an example of an establishing shot.  Two of the things that appear yo be relevant in this shot are vertical lines and leading lines.

This next shot shows an example of the long shot. Along with this, there also seems to be a theme of vertical lines.

This clip is an an example of a medium shot. Vertical lines are, once again, an example of composition.

This clip presents an example of an eye level shot. Leading lines can constantly be seen throughout this clip as we watch.

This scene from the Breakfast Club is an example of a close up. There looks to be quite a bit of variet used in this clip, mostly shown on what the character's are wearing.

This video exhibits the use of a birds eye view in various movies. A running theme seemed to be both use of vertical & horizontal lines.

In this clip, the use of a worm's eye view can is shown. One of the forms of composition used was vertical lines, as shown on the buildings.

This clip defines an extreme close up. The use of unity can be shown by the many groupings of the same types of ducks.

In my next clip, there is a clear use of a reaction shot. Emphasis has also been used in this clip, as shown by the light that appears on each of the characters whilst the viewer watches their reaction.

This clip from the Friday The 13th shows point of view. There is a lot of variety in this scene due to the camper's different items each of them have brought & the colors of their belongings.

For my last clip, an over the shoulder shot is depicted. A use of composition found in it is curved lines (shown in the wires constantly present during the over the shoulder portions).

Camera Movements -- What is it & How is it used ?


What is it ? Zoom is the act of moving the lens of a camera in & out.

How is it used ? It is used to change the shot smoothly from a long shot to a close-up shot or vice versa (Google define).


What is it ? Panning is when one moves the camera right or left in a shot.

How is it used ? This style of camera movement is used to give a panoramic effect or to follow a subject (Google define).


What is it ? Tilting is when the camera is moved (whilst filming) to face up or down.

How is it used ? Tilting is used to film in a vertical plane. (Google define).


What is it ? A dolly is used to move the camera forward or backwards. This differs from the zoom movement in that zooming moves in closer to an already predetermined shot. A dolly, on the other hand, manually the moves the camera in order to do so.

How is it used ? A dolly is used to move a shot onto a mobile platform in a specified direction (Google define).