Star Wars(1977 - 2015 ) & Metropolis (1927)
Clip of sets within both movies, namely the buildings
Comparison of C3PO and the robotic Hel
Creation scene of Hel
Clip of C3PO explaining how Anakin created him
Metropolis clip followed by
Star Wars clip
Narration: It is no surprise any films of today pay homage to a
number of works belonging to older eras. A film that does just this (in
regards to the silent era in particular) is Star Wars, as director George Lucas has included many
(deliberate) connections that can be made to the 1927 movie entitled Metropolis, directed by Fritz Lang. Comparisons
between the two works can be made right down to the sets – high rise buildings
are present in both the city of Metropolis and the city-planet of Coruscant
in Star Wars. Furthermore, between these
structures are mazes of buildings with space lanes full of flying cars, each traveling
in neat rows. Aside from the choice of such a design, even the color palette
for the black-and-white silent film is similar to Coruscant’s, with the
exception of the flourish of colored lights.
Another prominent connection to be made is the importance Rotwang’s
right hand. Rotwang, the inventor of the Maria’s clone (the Robot similar to
C3PO), has a mechanical right hand that is constantly covered by a black
glove. The similarity to be made is the history of C3PO and Anakin Skywalker,
especially considering, the motif of the black glove is present throughout
the entirety of the Star Wars saga.
The thematic thesis of Metropolis is also utilized throughout Star Wars. The people and machines are
the hands of society, and the upper-class serves as the mind in the equation.
Unless there is a mediator of both worlds to provide the heart, tyranny
Works Cited:
" Star Wars Connections/Flashback with C3PO and R2D." YouTube. Web. 5 March. 2016.
"The Cinema Behind Star Wars: Metropolis |" 18 Aug. 2014. Web. 05 Mar. 2016.