Thursday, August 27, 2015

How do filmmakers create meaning for the viewer?

1. How do we know if this film will meet our expectations?

  • We will know if this film will meet our expectations by watching the trailer and looking into those involved with producing the film. The genre and the cast alone can give one a general idea as to what they will be seeing. Short summaries of movies are also available, which will make it known what sort of plot the film will feature. Even so, at times it may be difficult to know whether the film will be up to par with our expectations, as twists and turns in films are bound to take place that may throw the viewer off.

3. What meaning are you getting from the clip?

  • What I am able to pick up from this clip is that the two main characters, Hazel and Augustus, are traveling together for the first time. While Hazel has flown before, Augustus has not. Even so, the meaning behind this is that they are experiencing something new for the first time that will ultimately bring them closer. The pair are flying (both literally and metaphorically), which allows them to forget about the issues that both of them share. This flight mirrors their lives in that they are both taking off and are free (for the duration of the airplane ride, that is). 
4. How is that meaning created?

  • The meaning of the scene is both created and accentuated through the use of specific camera angles that are present in various shots. For example, when Hazel and Gus hold hands the camera focuses solely on this act, suggesting a union between the teens. The use of reaction shots are also extremely present once the plane takes off, conveying through facial expressions alone how important and exciting this experience is for Augustus. Hazel's response to his reactions also shows how fond she is of him. This makes it quite clear that this experience holds meaning for both of them and will help build upon their relationship.