Monday, March 23, 2015

30 Second Clips.

With this first 30 second clip, I used the pop/groovy-esque music for a more upbeat and happy effect.

The music I used in this film was supposed to make those watching it feel as if it is creepy, or possibly a suspenseful chase scene.

This clip features calm/upbeat music, which was used to make the viewer feel at ease.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Rear Window Analysis.

Sound Effects:

The sound effects I heard were:

  • The ring of an alarm clock.
  • A car honking in the distance.
  • Perhaps a train?
  • The coo of pigeons. 
  • The voices of children.
  • A truck driving by & the on & off sound of the engine.
Hitchcock is has managed to tell the story solely through his use of panning by giving the audience a look into the daily lives of those who surround Jeff. It shows that while the main character is being faced with boredom & a rather unfortunate situation, the world around him does not cease to go on. Being given a brief look into the lives of Jeff's neighbors piques the curiosity of the viewer, strategically placing them in the shoes of the leading male. We are stuck in the position that Jeff is throughout the majority (if not all) of the movie, while others do a majority of activities in their home that may make on feel sorrow, remorse, happiness, or suspicion -- just as he feels. Of course, we are not shown Lars & his wife in this clip, but that allows for the viewer to be attentive to the neighbors and their lives.

Other Analysis:

I found the analysis above quite enjoyable due to the creator touching on the fact that we never witness the murder. This is the result of being confined in the apartment, the rear window being the only source from which we are given to survey the neighbors. Throughout the film, we are expected to either believe or not believe Jeff, and develop our own theories as new information pertaining to the (what we now know as the definite murder) of Lars' wife. This analysis explains this clearly, putting into words what feelings one may experience throughout the film.

My Analysis:

The movie Rear Window touches on a number of topics, voyeurism being one of the main topics. This condition allows for the witnessing of the many activities of his neighbors by Jeff, allowing him to catch onto the many situations his neighbors are facing. This truly shows that due to his career as a journalist, he used to following stories & living a relatively exciting life. Now that he has broken his leg & is confined to a wheel chair, he must find something else to occupy his time with. While this is so, he does see his nurse, Stella, and girlfriend, Lisa, every so often. He manages to get the two involved in his current situation despite them not being stuck in a wheelchair as he is.